A cut-out is not only a toy, but also an effective marketing tool. Thanks to its durability, attractiveness and versatility, the cut-out provides a long-lasting advertising effect.

Longer life span
A paper cut-out, unlike an ordinary leaflet, is often kept for a long time, e.g. as a decoration of a children’s room or part of a collection, and simply becomes a souvenir.

Placing commercial information in the context of interesting facts makes it better remembered.

For example, you can place the logo of a local restaurant next to the information about the monument, suggesting that it is worth visiting after sightseeing.

Domino effect

The child who made the cut-out tells his peers about it, which leads to further promotion of the brand. The cut-out can become a topic of conversation at school, kindergarten or at home, which increases the reach of the campaign.

The cut-out can therefore be used as a business card, an advertising gadget, an element of an educational campaign or even a mini piece of art.

Universal business card replacement

In addition to contact information, a cutout business card can include an event invitation, a discount code, or a mini-quiz.

Cost optimization:

It is one of the cheapest and most effective marketing tools.

Compared to typical gadgets, the cut-out is definitely a cheaper and at the same time more original advertising idea.

The high value for money makes the cutout a unique attractive option for businesses.

Free Search Engine Optimization (SEO):

A QR code placed on the snippet directs users to the website, increasing organic traffic and improving brand visibility in search engines.

With a QR code, you will increase traffic to your website at no additional cost.

Transport Company Bus Model


[A] general information
[B] interesting facts about the vehicle, such as mounted cameras, monitors, reclining seats, etc.
[C] QR code including contact details
[D] additional information (here: opening hours)


(mirror image – after cutting both sides should overlap)

[A] information on driving safety (here, for example: prohibition of talking to the driver, obligation to fasten seatbelts)
[B] QR code, with mold data
[C] description of the advantages of the bus building a competitive advantage, as here about the possibility of brewing tea or coffee
[D] educational information on waste segregation and disposal in the bin and the possibility of using adhesive tape